
Tag: discipline

Choosing One Child’s Educational Needs Over the Others

I titled this article "When the School Year Isn't Going the Way You Hoped" intentionally because the school year likely feels pretty normal to my son by now.

What Is the Difference Between Discipline and Abuse :: Panel Discussion...

What is the difference between discipline and abuse, between healthy attachment and coerced or secretive relationships? That's a question, in my opinion, that every parent needs to know the answer to.

Discipline Varies Over Time

The reality is the different rules didn’t hurt anyone. None of these rules were dangerous (stinky, but not dangerous). You learn to adjust.

Impatient Parent Problems

He does try to make sure he progresses in his discipline and doesn't start off with the harshest consequence. I, on the other hand, always fall victim to my patience (or lack thereof). I am a self-proclaimed IMPATIENT PARENT.

Finding the Right Currency :: When Your Child Doesn’t Respond to...

If I tried to take away a favorite item of my daughter's, she could care less! If I tried to get my son to clean his room by offering praise or positive incentives, he would be living in a trash pile. They have different motivators, but those motivators are pretty easy to spot.

Laying the Discipline Foundation with Toddlers

We can validate the emotion, tell the story of what happened, and give appropriate choices, even if the reason they are crying seems ridiculous to us.

Discipline Discussions :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 32

Here's a little taste of what we talk about: "Our disciplinary reasons and methods have shifted from 'let's change the behavior so that everyone is comfortable' to 'let's look at what we're doing and how it impacts the people around us.'"