Core Stability Exercises for Moms


Whether you hit up the gym on a regular basis or not, it’s safe to say that being a parent requires you to be in shape – a try-to-close-the-trunk-and-carry-a-child-on-one-hip-with-grocery-bags-in-the-opposite-hand-while-wearing-a-diaper-bag type of shape.

Even if you are not interested in entering the next big fitness competition and could care less about a six pack, increasing core stability can make tasks like swinging a baby carrier or loading a double stroller into the trunk easier.

Core stability is one of those fitness buzzwords that is often used interchangeably with core strength, but core stability work is different than throwing in some crunches and bicycles at the end of your workout. In fact, core stability exercises often don’t even look like you’re training the abdominals. Core stability refers to the ability to maintain proper positioning of your spine and pelvis throughout a movement despite what your extremities may be doing. The muscles that comprise your core (abdominals, back, hips, and pelvic floor) work together to resist movement.

Adding just a few core stability exercises into your weekly routine can help prevent injuries, reduce back pain, improve posture, and increase balance, as well as make many other exercises and household chores easier. In other words, it will make picking up an overtired, tantrum-throwing toddler from the floor less strenuous. And let’s face it, our kids aren’t getting any smaller.

It’s no secret that pregnancy can leave your entire core feeling like mush. And whether you’re a new mom, a gym-going veteran, or somewhere in between, improved core stability is sure to make life easier.

Pick a few of these core stability exercises to add to your routine twice a week.* They are listed in order from beginner to advanced. As always, be sure you’re able to execute each move with proper form for the designated repetitions before progressing to the next exercise.

*Please get your doctor’s approval before returning to exercise and/or beginning a new exercise routine.

Hip Bridge, Core Stability, ExerciseDead Bug, Core Stability, ExerciseSide Plank, Core Stability, ExercisePlank Shoulder Taps, Core Stability, Exercise

Meet Guest Blogger Annie Brees

Annie-Brees-headshotI’m Annie – a wife and a stay-at-home mother of two who moonlights as a personal trainer. While my top priority is family, fitness is a close second. Between “Curious George” episodes, diaper changes, and cups of coffee, I strive to write and share factual, important, fitness-related information. I strongly believe in the power of exercise to support the physical, mental, and emotional health of women, and have a passion for helping women lift (heavy) weights.

Regardless of where you fall on the exercise spectrum, I’d love to connect with you! Say hello on my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages. If you enjoyed this article, you can find more like it on my blog, Strong Brees.


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