Tag: nursing

What Comes After Finding a Lump in Your Breast

*Disclaimer  This is my personal experience, and this is not intended to be taken as medical advice or to assume that your experience would be...

What to Wear When Nursing

Congratulations! You have made it through abandoning all your tiny-waisted pants during your pregnancy and now your boobs are exploding! It is time to...

Breast Milk: Every Ounce Counts

Alamo City Moms Blog is partnering with Texas WIC to bring you information about their web site, breastmilkcounts.com, and additional resources to help moms...

Me and My Little Man: A Story of Weaning My Baby

For all that is written on the subject of beginning that ultimate bonding relationship with your baby known as breastfeeding, I feel like precious...

Extended Breastfeeding: The Normal Behind Nursing an Older Child

As a lactation consultant, childbirth educator and doula, I rarely discussed how long I breastfed. Students and clients knew I’d passed American Academy of...

The Real World of Breastfeeding

When I do the math, I've been pregnant or nursing for the last 11 years. My routine was to nurse a baby for a...

Diary of a Perpetual Pumper

My sister had her first baby two months before I did, so I guess you could say I got a front row seat to...

How to Successfully Nurse, Pump, & Work Full-Time

Can your nursing relationship survive while working full-time? Yes, it is possible!  I breastfed for a total of 4 years, which includes 12 months of...

Sometimes nursing isn’t enough

I took all the classes.  I read all the books and blogs I could get my hands on.  I sought advice from moms who...

Perspectives on Parenting: Why it was important to me to nurse

Motherhood comes with a host of choices to make about what is best for you, your family, and your child.  We at Alamo City Moms...

So You Want Me to Nurse in a Dressing Room. Really...

I have a bone to pick with Target, so brace yourselves pussycats because it’s about to get real.  But first I have to confess...

Easy Access: Dressing for Nursing

Once I was finally able to juggle the car seat, stroller, and packing a diaper bag to get out of the house with my...